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Is your mental strength strong enough? You can easily test it in Backrooms! You will find yourself in a strange maze, and your main task is to get out. The place is really weird – it is an endless concession of rooms of corridors. All of them are covered with the same yellowish wallpaper and lit by fluorescent lights. There are no windows and furniture here. And you will not meet anyone around. You will see only some strange objects from time to time.

Where is the exit? You will keep walking from one room to another, pass the corridors and again entering the same room. One moment, the hero starts doubting his sanity. Moreover, he gets a feeling that he is not alone here. Can it be the case that someone invisible is? It seems like you are moving along some vicious circle, and every time it becomes more and more scary you will be lost here forever.

What if there is no exit at all here?

There must be some solution to this scary quest. Look around – you need to explore everything you meet on your way, even if some objects seem strange enough. Be especially careful not to miss pieces of paper – you will find strange text scratched on these. Once you collect several of them, you will be able to read some message left for you. The key idea is not to give up as in this case, you may leave in this terrible labyrinth forever! Pull yourself together, do not panic and do not rush. If you manage to focus on your task and think logically, you will definitely succeed in this challenge!

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