Top 4 Games in This Week

The Man From The Window Game Play Online

Everyone has the same fears with roots from childhood. This horror game may bring a lot of memories. You will immediately recollect how easily your fear could literally paralyze you when you were a kid. And you could not overcome it, no matter how hard adults were trying to persuade you it was only your fantasy. Are you ready to go through something similar now? Then let’s play The Man From The Window! But we warn you that this adventure is designed only for players with strong nerves!

Little rabbit and his book

The main character of this online game is a little rabbit. You will find yourself in his house. The hero is home alone at the moment as his mother rabbit is still at work. Of course, the little rabbit is bored and looks for some entertainment. He finds a great book in the home library and reads a scary story about a monster who can penetrate into any house through the window. The poor kid gets so frightened that he trembles with fear and rushes to his mom in panic when she returns from the work. He is explained that it is only a story that is possible in the books and nothing of that kind can ever happen in reality.

But mother rabbit does not know yet how wrong she is. After this conversation, both characters will hear tapping on their window! Unfortunately, it is not a neighbor! The creepy monster with the human appearance has come to reach them. It is no longer a fairy tale but terrible truth. And it will take the ugly creature only a few minutes to pass all barriers and get inside!

Will you manage to escape in time?

After the enemy managed to penetrate into the house, the player has only 5 minutes to survive. The heroes have no weapons or other devices to fight the enemy. All they can do is hide from him. Also, they can open the book with that terrible story again to check if it contains any hints on how to avoid the worst outcome. Of course, Mama Rabbit will do everything she can to protect her child. She will try to barricade the door and find the most inconspicuous places for both of them around the house.

You will be able to interact with many objects as you explore the interior – they may help you move forward. Once you see there are no more suitable shelters around – think about other ways of distraction. Try to win time by leaving some sweet treats for the enemy. And do not forget about the hints from the book – you may pronounce special rhymes that can stop the monster. There are several endings in this entertainment. Join now to see what is yours!

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